Announcing Community Spaces Network

Nonprofit Centers Network is now Community Spaces Network!

We are thrilled to share some exciting news! After months of hard work and planning, we are proud to announce a significant milestone in our journey: Nonprofit Centers Network (NCN) is now Community Spaces Network (CSN).

Our Story (2004 – 2024)

The Nonprofit Centers Network (NCN) was born out of a small convening of nonprofit center operators in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 2000’s. While shared nonprofit workspace was not a new concept, a growing trend of sharing space to create synergies and cost efficiencies was emerging across North America. The first convening blossomed into a thriving peer learning community. For more than 10 years, Tides provided a home and a living laboratory for the Nonprofit Centers Network program. Drawing from Tides’ experience in developing nonprofit centers, including its own Thoreau Centers for Sustainability, as well as the dedicated work by NCN’s founding Steering Committee, NCN grew from an informal network into a vibrant membership association and capacity building organization. In 2013, left Tides to pursue new opportunities before our organization. The Nonprofit Centers Network became a fiscally sponsored project of Third Sector New England (TSNE), a long-standing member of the Network and supporter of shared space. TSNE provided NCN with the support it needed to grow its membership and organizational strengths. In 2020, NCN rejoined Tides to support their work around promoting social purpose real estate, and continued to strengthen the work around community spaces across North America.

Our Present (2024)

Nonprofit Centers Network is now Community Spaces Network! Community Spaces Network (formerly the Nonprofit Centers Network) is celebrating 20 years in 2024. This rebrand represents a new chapter for us, one that is built on the foundation of our past collective work, and driven by our vision for the future of social purpose real estate. Our mission remains unchanged: to increase the capacity and effectiveness of the nonprofit sector and improve the communities they serve by supporting the development and ongoing operations of multi-tenant nonprofit centers and other quality community serving spaces. Our new name, logo, & website represent our evolution and commitment to progress. We’re still delivering on our four key service areas: resources, memberships, events, and consulting. Our dedication to making a positive impact through a network of nonprofit community spaces remains steadfast. We’re excited to share this transformation with you and to continue supporting you for years to come.

Our Vision (Beyond 2024)

We are immensely grateful for your support and commitment to building a future where every community has access to the space it needs to be sustainable, healthy, and vibrant. Check out the video below to see our continued community and why community spaces are critical to all of our futures. If you have any questions or would like more information about the rebrand, please feel free to reach out at [email protected]. We value your feedback and input. Thank you for being an integral part of our community and for joining us in this journey.