Bronson Centre is a 45,000 ft2 community facility, nestled into the heart of downtown Ottawa, the capital of Canada. We have up to 40 permanent, not-for-profit tenants, resident in our building at any one time. On a day rental basis we have served 100ās of associations and cultural groups for almost 25 years.
Our charity was founded in 1996, the same year that we were invited to re-purpose the use of an old high school. As a solid, revenue positive organization (and wholesome example of a healthy social enterprise !) we purchased the building in 2017. Our commitment is to enhance and strengthen our role as a dynamic shared space facility for the next 25 years.
Our core mission is to provide affordable rents and administrative and cultural hub services to those who in turn serve the needy, the poor, and arts and cultural communities of our region.
What is one interesting fact about your space?
Bronson Centre tenants serve up to 20,000 people every month. We also proudly offer to the public a unique 850 seat performance venue and a 200 seat community hall with commercial kitchen. Revenues from these facilities help subsidize our mandate of affordable rents and services to not-for-profit associations.
What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?
Our favourite resources are found in three key words: people, partnership, and collaboration.
Built on a constructive attitude and commitment to mission, we focus on the strength, integrity, and vision of the volunteers, Board members, and staff of our tenant agencies and associations who use our facility on day-use basis. We approach our relationship with them as partners. Through collaboration we are able to pursue and successfully receive one-time grants for the purposes of maintaining and improving our facility, building our business model, and building their own programs and services.
We are further indebted to the support of colleagues among our granting agencies, with whom we find that a spirit of partnership and collaboration also goes a long way. Our experience is that the individuals from both philanthropic and government agencies are tremendous sources of good will, information, and expertise.
Best resource: people!
Center Name: Bronson Centre
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Center Website: