Member Highlight: Community Vision

Celebrating its 35th year, Community Vision is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that works across California. As a locally invested, collaborative partner in social justice and financial equity, Community Vision provides nonprofits, small businesses and social enterprises with strategic investment, advising and support to advance community-based and led real estate projects. They have built a strong portfolio of high impact loans and have supported a wide range of community-centered nonprofits and social enterprises that are meeting specific community-identified needs.

What is one interesting fact about your space?

Community Vision has been a longtime supporter of nonprofit shared space. Through financing, capital regranting and/or real estate advising, they have supported projects like: Restore Oakland, Liberate 23rd Avenue, Ed Roberts Campus, 360 Center, RYSE Center, San Francisco LGBT Center, 9th Street Independent Film Center, Plaza Adelante, The Womenā€™s Building, and The Dempster Building.

What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?

Recently, Community Vision launched its Community Owned Shared Space Accelerator Program (COSSA). COSSA brings together 10-12 BIPOC-led organizations from around the Bay Area to explore shared space strategies and advance four community real estate projects. Through collaborative learning and one-on-one advising, participant projects will establish a vision for their shared space, review ownership and governance structures, identify an ownership group and/or tenant community, and explore funding and financing strategies. Participant projects will leave with a full project feasibility study, hopefully paving the way for them to realize their shared space.

With a community-centered approach, Community Vision supports the financial growth, resiliency and self-determination of communities on the margin of opportunity.

Center Name:Ā  Community Vision

Location: San Francisco, CA

Center Website:


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