Member Highlight: The Delmar DivINe

The Delmar DivINe is the reimagination of an historic hospital built in 1904. The hospital became a series of health organizations before it closed in 2014. In 2015 the campus was purchased to be the future site of a multi-use real estate project that will house about 35 nonprofits, 3 service retailers and one restaurant as well as 150 apts. for teachers, nurses, social workers, public safetyā€”young, diverse professionals who want a great place to live at an affordable price. The location is on Delmar Boulevard, the infamous dividing line in St.. Louis of rich and poor, Black and White. The ā€œlinesā€ are being intentionally blurred.

The office tenants are 1/3 education, 1/3 health and mental health and 1/3 community development. We will also have a co-working space, a conference center, a collaboration cafe and many shared amenities. A significant amount of space has also been created for neighborhood meetings, computer use and neighborhood gatherings.

What is one interesting fact about your space?

There is nearly 475, 000 sq ft spread across 10 buildings built from 1904-1965

What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?

The Clayco team of companies has been outstanding–design, build, space planning..

Center Name:Ā  The Delmar DivINe

Location: St. Louis, MO

Center Website:

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