Member Highlight: Ventura Partners

Ventura Partners provides CRE services for community benefit, working with non-profit organizations. We support local communities by teaming with partners to for efficient, effective, and thoughtful use of resources. Drawing upon experience with a variety of buildings and the organizations they house, Ventura Partners customizes services to the needs of each project. This can take the form of comprehensive planning and development, property and facilities management, or more targeted problem solving. No matter the scope, we/they always approach our/their work with an eye to the long-term sustainability of community assets.

Current projects include: EPACENTER, a brand-new facility in East Palo Alto run by a nonprofit organization for creative youth development; Impact Justice, a national innovation and research center for justice reform; Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, organizing with Black, Brown, and low-income people to shift resources restoratively; and CAST (Community Arts Stabilization Trust), innovating finance for community and cultural art sustainability.

What is one interesting fact about your space?

Team approach & perspective. We look at everything as a team, from different angles, and are open to how something CAN work considering the objective. This is what enables custom services for each project. It also allows us to see non-profit positioning, and even how small businesses and other stakeholders in the community show up, are impacted, and can be symbiotically supported in the ecosystem of a project.

Also, Ventura Partners a longstanding woman-owned commercial real estate company and has been operating with inclusion, just, anti-racist & restorative thinking from long before recent trends.

What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?

– Community Vision Capital & Consulting: an integral part of our network and a valuable resource in so many ways.

– Appfolio: cloud-based property management software improved our efficiency

– Organizationally, our dynamic team consistently proves to be a valuable resource in itself. Collaborative, nimble, resourceful and mission-driven team members make all the difference in problem solving and serving our clients.

Center Name:Ā  Ventura Partners / EPACENTER, Impact Justice, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, C

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Center Website:

Connect on Social Media: FacebookĀ  Ā TwitterWe do not have a shared space ourselves, but we have multiple images to share of the non-profit centers we work with.

Images are named in order of presentation 1-5.
1. EPACENTER – East Palo Alto, California
2. Impact Justice – Oakland, California
3 & 4. Ella Baker Center for Human Rights – Oakland, California
5. Community Arts Stabilization Trust – 447 Minna St., San Francisco, California


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