It’s been a long time coming: State of the Sector 2024

We are so excited to be launching our fourth nonprofit shared-space State of the Sector surveys. Not only is this a great way to measure what’s happening in the field but it’s an important tool for our members to help tell their stories of impact. 

The first report was created in 2011 so we have good longitudinal data with which to engage potential funders, investors, government and neighbors about the benefits of shared spaces. The survey is actually two surveys: one completed by operators of shared spaces and another directed at tenants within those centers.

The report is our most requested resource so we are especially eager to update the last survey data which was collected in 2019. There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on social purpose real estate (SPRE). The depth of that impact and how it played out across regions and sectors within SPRE will help determine how we, as a movement, respond and how we tell our stories.


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