Note from the Network: Looking Forward

As we start a new year, we look back on the many ways that the CSN community came together last year, and we look forward to future collaboration and community building in 2025. While every year, CSN recommits itself to our work as a peer-driven network, innovative thought leader, and resource-rich convener for the social purpose real estate field, this year is particularly exciting for us. This year is one of the years that we get to bring the social purpose real estate community together at our biennale conference – the SPRE Summit! As a CSN team, we really look forward to the conference years, and we can’t wait to see familiar faces again and to meet new faces at this year’s event. We hope that you’ll join us at the SPRE Summit from May 6-8, 2025, and we hope that it’s one of the many ways that we all collaborate to continue to serve our communities and to build the nonprofit real estate sector together in 2025.

SPRE Summit
Have you registered yet for this year’s Social Purpose Real Estate Summit? Early bird registration is only open until February 19th! Register below to get the lower early bird price and join social purpose real estate leaders from across North America for best practices, peer learning and collaborative networking in the SPRE sector.

Register Now 

Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 19th
$395 CSN Members / $595 Non-Members
$95 SPRE Tours 


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