Reeling from Building Opportunities 2015

I’m still reeling from Building Opportunities 2015!  The conversations continue to reverberate through our shared space network.  Our 57 Boot Camp attendees took home practical tools to apply to their projects back home.  In our June webinar I showcased a Highlight Reel of some of the top take-aways from many of the sessions.

  • Jeff Good from CRESA presented on his RAACI (pronounced racy) system that assigns different levels (responsible, accountable, approval, consulted, and informed) of decision making to different stakeholders.
  • Pam Mauk led a panel of human-service one-stop centers who are striving to provide more client-centered services that go beyond the resources offered by on-site tenants.  She discussed the Together Center’s “No Wrong Door” philosophy and their commitment to having cultural navigators to help clients identify the services they need.
  • Lorraine Duff from the United Way Toronto talked about their community hubs and specifically their Resident Engagement Typology which showed the many ways their various centers engage with residents and include them in decision-making for better outcomes.
  • Debra Box of Support Kansas City presented on her shared services organization and covered how to build your client base through recruitment, retention, referrals and reputation.  She shared an interesting graph that showed how her organization has reduced its dependence on philanthropic sources over time as her business model has taken off.
  • Marty Johnson of Isles Inc in New Jersey shared his “audacious” slides about Capital Campaigns for Shared Space.  His premise is that one needs to anticipate the questions you will be asked in a campaign, such as, “who do you think you are?”  Based on his experience, he suggests doing your homework and being audacious in your vision for your project.  His criteria for success are to be confident in your future, doing important work with solid outcomes, and have the ability to manage your campaign while  doing the rest of the work.

Were you at Building Opportunities 2015?  Share your takeaways from the conference.




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