State of the Shared Space Sector Survey Released

The Results are In! The 2015 State of the Shared Space Sector Survey

Mission-driven shared spaces are growing in number, size, and impact across North America. Thanks to all of the nonprofit centers who took our survey earlier this year, we are excited to release the latest data on the size and scope of the shared space sector. Here are a few key findings to note:

  • Shared space is growing. In 2011, we knew of 212 nonprofit centers. Now, in 2015, we know of nearly 400 shared spaces in operation in North America.
  • Shared space helps tenants meet their missions.  When surveying the executive directors of tenants in shared space, 82% report that they are better able to achieve their organizational goals because they are in shared space. Being in shared space resulted in significant improvements in organizational credibility, cost savings, staff morale and retention, and program size and scope among the resident organizations.
  • Shared Space is a financially sustainable solution. 77% of centers have revenues that meet or exceed their expenses, with 56% running a surplus.

You can download the entire report and read it for yourself here or check out our infographic below.


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