What’s Going On

Every now and then, we like to give folks a peek behind the curtain on what’s going on in the membership world. Afterall, we really don’t want NCN to be the best kept secret. So, what are people talking about? What information is being shared? Would you benefit from this community?

The answers are “a lot” and “yes.”

On our listserv, the hot topics this summer have been about booking software, amenities for staff, owning vs. leasing your building and various policy requests.

In this year’s state of the sector (report coming out this fall!), we heard a lot more from centers identifying as coworking spaces, having coworking space, or wanting to implement coworking space in their center. We’ve also seen an uptick in shared services being used or the desire to start offering that at their center.

Regarding the latter, NCN heard that interest earlier on and created Rethinking Overhead: Daring to Share Resources. We also had an Ask-NCN live member call on the topic, hosted a webinar on Fiscal Sponsorship, and held a free Rethinking Overhead preview webinar.

We hear the questions coming our way and plan our accordingly. From our latest poll on topics for this year’s Ask-NCN Live Member-only calls, so far members have a strong interest in talking about coworking, revenue generators (outside of rent), current challenges, governance and software booking platforms. These conversations are an hour-long informal way for members to dig in on a topic, sprinkled throughout the year. Members long for some form of in person connection mixed with knowledge, and this platform allows for that.

When we need to dig deeper, we invite experts as panelists for webinars. So far we plan to talk about social impact and community bonds, both with experts in US and Canada. In the new year, as is custom every couple of years, we will showcase what’s new in the software booking platform world. Dates are still coming together, and 2 more webinar topics are being formulated for 2020, so stay tuned!

This is all to say, our members help drive our programming. Their interests become our interests, and we seek to help them solve their challenges in this niche world of sharing space and resources.

Wishing you could have access to these fine folks, their experience and their knowledge, or that you could contribute to the conversation around the sharing economy? Please join us! Give NCN a call or check out membership benefits here. We don’t think you’ll regret it.


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Community Spaces Network

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