A season of community, celebration, and giving

The end of the year is often a season of community, celebration, and giving. Each nonprofit center or social purpose real estate operator usually has it’s own unique sense of community. And each nonprofit center usually gives to their community in so many ways throughout the year – delivering programming and professional development for tenants, providing a safe space for the neighborhood, staffing the building with community animators who become the glue of the community, managing a listserv, planning tenant events, and so much more. Serving the community is the whole point and the magic of social purpose real estate.

As I reflect on how much you all already give to your communities, I’m curious if your tenants and community members might be looking for an opportunity to give back and contribute too, as a thank you for everything you do. Contributing to a community often creates purpose and meaning for people, especially in the nonprofit sector, and could be a great way to create an even stronger connection with your tenants and partners.

Do you offer opportunities for your tenants to give back to build community? Do you ever organize a volunteer day together (maybe even hosted by one of your tenants!), put on a food drive, or support a specific fundraiser? Do tenants ever lead professional development or programming, or volunteer at your events to help make them the best yet?

The strongest relationships and communities are reciprocal, and when everyone can contribute in their own ways, it’s makes that community that much more connected, grounded, and impactful, especially in this season of giving.


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