An exciting trend

One of the most unique aspects of Community Spaces Network is the ‘network’ itself. The stories we get to see across North America in the social purpose real estate sector give our team insight into various trends happening in nonprofit centers, shared spaces, and community hubs. Some of our team’s favorite work is to make those connections, share out what we’re seeing, and build a ripple effect of peer learning, as we truly believe that collaboration makes us all stronger.

An exciting trend that the team has been noticing recently is evolution and expansion. Stories from CSN members like Care Management Coalition, Serve Denton, Together Center, and J. Walter Cameron Center, among many others, all have had a common thread. All of these organizations have a solid foundation of impactful work over many years, which has led to more resources and the ability to expand, ultimately multiplying the positive impact they have in communities. This evolution or expansion looks different for different groups. It could be replicating your model in a neighboring city, building new partnerships, adding affordable housing to your center, opening a new facility, purchasing new property, expanding your model or services, or even just evolving the way you approach a certain policy. What’s exciting to us about this trend, is that with more expansion and evolution of nonprofit centers across North America, the quantity and quality of community-serving real estate expands as well. In the end, more SPRE opportunities also means more nonprofits and community organizations delivering on their mission every day.


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Community Spaces Network