A New Year


Season’s Greetings! The Nonprofit Centers Network has changed and grown this year. Read about our year’s highlights and what’s ahead. We look forward to seeing you in 2015!

Our Membership Is Strong!
Representing every sector of the nonprofit field across the U. S. and Canada, our members are more engaged than ever. NCN is peer learning in action. Thank you for participating.
•    Over 200 of you joined 9 webinars
•    150 of you attended trainings in San Diego, Ottawa, and Denver
•    Half of you provided feedback on our Member Survey
•    More than 20 of you raised your hand to participate on our Steering Committee
•    You asked each other countless questions on Ask-NCN on topics ranging from meeting software to kitchen policies to shared IT infrastructure.

Congratulations to Newly Opened Centers!
We are excited to celebrate new centers that have opened this year, including:
•    (C) Space – Louisville, KY
•    Serve Denton – Denton, TX
•    CT Nonprofit Center – Hartford, CT
•    House of Neighborly Service Community Life Center – Loveland, CO
•    AgriHUB – Edmonton, AB

New Research and Resources
In 2015, we are rolling out at least two new publications including a new piece on Grantmaking in Shared Space.  NCN will also conduct a State of Field survey which builds on our baseline Impact Assessment data.

Advanced Training
NCN is coming to New Orleans on February 26th for a training geared toward advanced practitioners.  Registration will open soon!

Sharing Space in Sacred Places
On January 15th, 2 pm EST, our webinar series kicks-off.  This time of year we are reminded of the role religious institutions play in our communities. Sacred spaces have long shared space with community benefit organizations but not always as part of an intentional strategy. How can we better work with the religious institutions in our communities and tap into the unique resources and networks they have to offer?

Join us as we hear from Tuomi Forest, Executive Vice President of Partners for Sacred Places about their work to create iSPi , an online hub for creative sacred placemaking. iSPi matches sacred places and community partners so that they can share space, resources, and volunteers. We hope you will share information on this webinar with your networks and will join us on January 15th!

Join us in Vancouver!
We hope you will join us at the 2015 Building Opportunities Conference in beautiful Vancouver, June 1-3.  Registration will open soon: stay tuned!  Our Program Committee is hard at work evaluating more than 100 session proposals, planning exciting site visits and identifying speakers.  This conference only comes around every two years and we receive overwhelmingly positive feedback on the quality of the content and the networking opportunities.   We love seeing our members in person and look forward to connecting with you in Vancouver.

Support NCN!
NCN keeps its membership dues low so we don’t turn away any organization that could benefit from our community.  We are excited to announce that The Lodestar Foundation will match organizational contributions of $5,000 or more, up to a total of $25,000 over the next three years. If your organization would like to help us meet this challenge at the $5,000 or above level, please contact Sarah Eisinger. We also appreciate year-end donations or on-going support in the form of Keystone level memberships.

We love hearing from you!  
We post news and updates to our Facebook page.  Stop by our page, like us, and add to the conversation.  Or, if you prefer, contact us directly.

On behalf of our dedicated, volunteer Steering Committee, thank you for a great year and for all that you do in your communities.

– Sarah, Lara, and Katie


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Community Spaces Network

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