Member Highlight: Jefferson County Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse Project began in 2007 and now is a collaboration of over 100 Partners working to provide economic benefit to southeastern Indiana.
The Clearinghouse is a multi-tenant facility where workforce development entities and agencies providing short-term assistance live and work under one roof.
The goals of the Clearinghouse Partners are to help low-income families or families living in poverty make a positive, sustainable change in their lives and decrease their overall demand for assistance by enabling them to become self-sufficient.

What is one interesting fact about your space?

The building housing the Clearinghouse was built as a Hudson Dealership in 1946.

What are your favorite resources that you would recommend to others?

My favorite resources that I would recommend to others are adult education and childcare vouchers. I am a firm believer that knowledge is power, and I love that River Valley Resources helps people get an education and strengthens their ability to learn. The people in this program are becoming better versions of themselves and they earn something that they worked so hard for that nobody can ever take away from them. I also love the childcare vouchers offered at RVR. They allow kids to go to daycare and start meeting friends and developing. I think this program is so wonderful because it benefits the child, but it can also be a great help to the parent. Having these vouchers allows parents to get an education or to go to work so that they can support their family. I think the programs that RVR offers are all focused on helping people become better versions of themselves and that is the beauty of our non-profit.

Center Name: Jefferson County Clearinghouse

Center Member Type: Center in Operation

Location: Madison, IN

Center Website:

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