A hint from last month

We hope April and the new quarter find all of you well in the NCN community. This time of year often ushers in a surge of activity, both personally and professionally. You might be enjoying more outdoor adventures, fresh foliage, or a little spring cleaning. You might also be reviewing 2024 progress and launching spring and summer initiatives. At NCN we are working right alongside you and leaning into the spirit of refresh and renew.

As we hinted at in last month’s newsletter, the NCN team has been hard at work on our next adventure that we can’t wait to share with you! Our goal is to always grow and improve in serving the incredible SPRE community and membership network that is the hallmark of NCN. Our announcement on May 15th will help us do just that, and we look forward to evolving and supporting you in new ways. 

Want in on the big news? We have the perfect opportunity with our next event on May 16th: Maximize your Membership! This NCN member-only event will review membership benefits including new features, all in a quick half-hour webinar. Register today and join us to get the inside scoop right after the May 15th announcement. We hope to see you there!


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