Riding the wave of energy from the SPRE Summit

Staff at NCN are still riding the wave of energy (aka recovering) from the Social Purpose Real Estate Summit in Detroit. This was the first in-person event in a while and there was a lot of work that went into imagining and organizing the conference. We’re lucky to have such a dedicated team that poured their souls into making the event a success.

I’m also especially grateful to our working group of thought leaders and practitioners who helped guide the direction of the conference. I look forward to forming a new working group to help shape the next conference.

We received so much great feedback about the conference. It was heartening to hear and read such glowing admiration for so many of our speakers. We’ve been taking notes and contemplating what we’d do again and what things we’ll do differently at the next one in 2025.

The biggest takeaway from what we heard was that people LOVED being around other folks who care about SPRE and who are so willing to share resources and learnings with their peers. Over and over again, I heard of offers of help, collaboration and sympathy between folks that were meeting for the first time or had maybe met through a NCN regional chapter roundtable. In this way the SPRE Summit was simply a microcosm for what makes social purpose real estate matter to so many of us; creating community, fostering collaboration and building human connection.


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