Member Highlight: Visy Cares Hub

Visy Cares Hub

Although the majority of NCN’s members are based in the US and Canada, there are many shared spaces across the globe. This month’s featured member is the Visy Cares Hub in Sunshine, Victoria, Australia, a suburb of Melbourne. Opened in 2007, the Visy Cares Hub is Australia’s largest co-located youth service center that is managed by The Youth Junction Incorporated. Bringing together 20 not-for-profit youth services under one roof, this center is able to support approximately 18,000 disadvantaged youth people between the ages of  12 to 25 per year. Karen Hart, the General Manager of The Youth Junction Inc. who manages the Visy Cares Hub, spent last summer in Denver with the staff of the Nonprofit Centers Network completing her research on youth-focused nonprofit centers in the US and Canada to fulfill the requirements of a Fulbright Scholarship. Her research is available in the Online Resource Center,



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